Microsoft Office Lens

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Microsoft Office Lens. Office Lens trims, enhances and makes pictures of whiteboards and documents readable. Office Lens is like having a scanner in your pocket.

Office Lens app for great note snapping in class ...
Office Lens app for great note snapping in class ... (Luis Flowers)
Office Lens trims, enhances, and makes pictures of whiteboards and docs readable. S. and Puerto Rico by Google Play! Office Lens trims, enhances, and makes pictures of whiteboards and documents readable.

List all version of Microsoft Office Lens - PDF Scanner.

I recently switched to a new service due to company policy but i really prefer Office Lens because of the diverse array of options for completing activities throughout.

Office Lens - Android Apps on Google Play

Put Scanner in Your Android and iPhone with Microsoft ...

Office Lens steht ab sofort für Android und iOS bereit

Microsoft veröffentlicht Office Lens für Android und iOS ...

[Windows Phone app] Microsoft Office Lens

Microsoft Office Lens Comes to Android and iOS Platforms ...

Microsoft、スキャンアプリ「Office Lens」のAndroid/iPhone版を公開 無料でOCRに ...

Microsoft Office Lens: One of Microsoft's Best Free Apps ...

Introducing Office Lens Android - YouTube

Seperti sulap, Office Lens mengubah catatan di papan tulis menjadi digital. Office Lens trims, enhances, and makes pictures of whiteboards and docs readable. Microsoft Office Lens scans documents, cards, and whiteboards with your Android phone, making them more readable, and in some cases editable.