Microsoft Office Not Responding. The last few versions of Microsoft Office have been stable and there are hardly any issues with them. Microsoft Word not responding is a common complaint of MS Office users.
To run the Microsoft Office in Safe Mode, you can also make use of Command Prompt. Repair Office Installation with Programs and Features. Your Microsoft Office might be corrupt, which means you should fix it.
One of the leading factors due to which Microsoft word gets into a 'not responding' state is There is an inbuilt mechanism in Office that allows you to repair the installation.
To find out the detailed guide of your "Microsoft Word does not respond" is an error encountered when working with Word and can Firstly, you can shut down MS Word / Office inside this application (select it, right-click and select.
Fixing it might be as simple as restarting your computer. It just stays stuck on one screen no matter what you do. There are many reasons Microsoft Word may not respond.