Microsoft Office Uninstall Tool

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Microsoft Office Uninstall Tool. The Uninstall Microsoft Office wizard launches. Uninstall Microsoft Office from Control Panel or Settings.

Microsoft Office Mac Uninstall Tool - manew
Microsoft Office Mac Uninstall Tool - manew (Nina Burns)
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The Uninstall Microsoft Office wizard launches.

This often deletes files the Windows uninstall tool needs to.

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Uninstall Microsoft Office from Control Panel or Settings. This tool will uninstall it and will remove any trace of the program, so you can install with ease other software. Tip: Uninstalling Office only removes the Office applications from your computer, it doesn't remove any files, documents, or workbooks you created using the apps.  If you have a Click-to-Run or an MSI installation, uninstall Office using the Control Panel or download the uninstall support tool.