Microsoft Office Vs Libreoffice. It comprises desktop applications, servers and various services. On the other hand, Libreoffice is also an office suite, but it is developed by the Document Foundation.
It adds extra features and improved Microsoft Office compatibility, and has regular releases with security updates. LibreOffice is the more actively developed of the two. On the surface the two look very similar, but there are some important differences to bear in mind when making your decision.
LibreOffice beats Microsoft Office in file compatibility because it supports many more formats, including a built-in option to export documents as an eBook (EPUB).
However, overall, Office's file compatibility is more limited than LibreOffice, which support dozens of popular and obscure formats, including ClarisWorks Cwk and QuarkXPress Qxd files.
On the surface the two look very similar, but there are some important differences to bear in mind when making your decision. Microsoft Office has a slightly unfair advantage here, given that it doesn't have to fix any problems with its own file formats. There are certain compatibility changes you must make to retain compatibility with Microsoft.