Microsoft Office 2010 Uninstaller Fixit. Sometimes Office cannot be uninstalled by the control panel. In this case you may try special fix it software.
The above problem is occurred when you want to remove a Trial or a Full version of Microsoft Office, because you want. If the built-in uninstaller fails to remove Microsoft Office from your computer, then refer to other methods shown below. If you have PDQ Inventory Pro mode or higher, finding the uninstall string and product ID is very simple.
Looking at the log file, it first searches what is present and then the wizard asks to click.
The Uninstall Microsoft Office wizard launches.
It comes pre-loaded on certain HP computers and is not a trial version. If you have PDQ Inventory Pro mode or higher, finding the uninstall string and product ID is very simple. If the built-in uninstaller fails to remove Microsoft Office from your computer, then refer to other methods shown below.