Ms Word Not Responding Belum Di Save

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Ms Word Not Responding Belum Di Save. I can edit an old document and. Fixing it might be as simple as restarting your computer.

rememberlessfool: No self, no freewill, permanent. https ...
rememberlessfool: No self, no freewill, permanent. https ... (Lillian May)
I can edit an old document and. Fixing it might be as simple as restarting your computer. Create a new document and save it.

If I try to create a NEW document and press "save" or "save as".same thing: NOT RESPONDING and I have to close the prgram (and lose the doc).

Note: You can choose "Advance Repair" given again in the "File" ribbon if your MS word file is.

rememberlessfool: No self, no freewill, permanent. https ...

rememberlessfool: No self, no freewill, permanent. https ...

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rememberlessfool: No self, no freewill, permanent. https ...

rememberlessfool: No self, no freewill, permanent. https ...

rememberlessfool: No self, no freewill, permanent. https ...

rememberlessfool: No self, no freewill, permanent. https ...

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rememberlessfool: No self, no freewill, permanent. https ...

If you meet Microsoft Word not responding problem when saving and do not know what do to, calm down, try the solutions provided here. There are many reasons Microsoft Word may not respond. Many people use it as a default word processor application.