Ms Excel Enable Editing. When you open an Excel sheet and you see marked as Read Only then you will have to remove the "Read This step will make the sheet editable. Protected View is one of the most common situations you will meet if you download files from the Internet.
For security purposes, there is no way to enable macros programmatically. For those who can't code, this app is heaven sent. Then click on 'Excel Options' (present at the bottom).
I have installed the spreadsheet and phpexcel(This extension was already installed in ) extension.
Why can't I edit the Excel spreadsheet?
So to avoid this the following code will only enable editing if the workbook has "ProtectedView" enabled. But all the power and might of Excel macros are for naught if you don't know how to enable them. If the Excel file is in read only, remove read only from Excel to make it editable.