Ms Excel Selalu Not Responding. One of the other reasons why we get excel not responding error is maybe because our excel version is not up to date. It can happen while saving a spreadsheet or opening an Excel If Excel is not working as intended and frequently stops responding, you may try to start Excel in Safe Mode.
What is the reason behind this problem? You could be opening a file, trying to save a file, copy-pasting data from a web page, or when typing into the workbook or worksheet. This file is used for several operations such as calculation of Therefore, when Excel not responding without closing error encountered, you are not allowed to access MS Excel on your local machine.
Making statements based on opinion; back them up.
To find out if the issue has occurred because of an.
When the add-ins in Excel is not compatible with the newer version then. My wife has MS Office, home and student version. Sometimes Excel crashes, hangs, freezes or stops responding.