Extension Ms Powerpoint. Modern, classic, sophisticated--find the right style for your work, life, or school. It resembles MS Office PowerPoint, possesses great features and hosts file extensions that are IMPRESS can display and edit your existing Microsoft Powerpoint presentations flawlessly as well.
MS-POWERPOINT file extension is used by operating systems to recognize files with content of To see if you have an application which support MS-POWERPOINT file format you need to double click.
PowerPoint slideshows use a.ppsx extension and PowerPoint presentation files use .pptx.
You can create attractive presentations using this software. ✓ Virus Free. Welcom to Download Free powerpoint templates design - Download absolutely free powerpoint diagrams,charts and + Daily Updates + Free powerpoint Templates Design, Diagrams and Charts. application/mspowerpoint application/powerpoint application/vnd.ms-powerpoint Doc (an abbreviation of document) is a file extension for word processing documents; it is associated mainly. Power-user also brings tools to Excel and Word, such as Mekko and Sankey charts, quick formatting of numbers, currencies and dates, a merged cells manager, a formula simplifier, database management.