Ms Power Point File. You can create attractive presentations using this software. ✓ Virus Free. MS-POWERPOINT file extension is used by operating systems to recognize files with content of To see if you have an application which support MS-POWERPOINT file format you need to double click.
In contemporary operation, PowerPoint is used to create a file (called a "presentation" or "deck") containing a sequence of pages. Files in MS Powerpoint format are occasionally provided in order to allow users to access the presentation slides that have been used by Guest Lecturers or at Treasury seminars. Note: PowerPoint Viewer registers itself with the.ppt, .pot, and .pps file extensions only if a version of PowerPoint is not installed on your computer.
If registered, double-clicking on these file types will.
Microsoft PowerPoint gives you more ways to create and share dynamic presentations with your audience than ever before.
It is often associated with Microsoft and is. Note: PowerPoint Viewer registers itself with the.ppt, .pot, and .pps file extensions only if a version of PowerPoint is not installed on your computer. Microsoft PowerPoint latest version: Create effective and beautiful presentations easily.