Microsoft Office 365 Quarantine. Admins can learn about quarantine in Exchange Online Protection (EOP) that holds potentially dangerous or unwanted messages. We are an expanding community that is here to help one another!
I find the web interface to be super slow and buggy and as I use it several times a week I thought I'd put some time Unfortunately Microsoft doesn't make it easy to filter by recipient without first specifying the -Identity. I'd love for there to be a default for users who are delegates of a mailbox to have a way to get to the shared mailbox quarantine queue. You view and manage quarantined messages in the Security & Compliance Center or in PowerShell (Exchange.
Currently, only admins can view the quarantine for shared mailboxes.
I'd love for there to be a default for users who are delegates of a mailbox to have a way to get to the shared mailbox quarantine queue.
Users are automatically redirected to their own quarantine. I find the web interface to be super slow and buggy and as I use it several times a week I thought I'd put some time Unfortunately Microsoft doesn't make it easy to filter by recipient without first specifying the -Identity. The brand encompasses plans that allow use of the Microsoft Office software suite over the life of the subscription.